This Month in NWA History: Jack Brisco

Jack Brisco Wins the NWA World’s Heavyweight Title
July 20, 1973

Though Harley Race eventually became synonymous with the National Wrestling Alliance World’s Championship, Jack Brisco made his first taste of the gold brief.

Scarcely a month after Race ended Dory Funk Jr.’s landmark run atop the NWA, Brisco stopped the future “King” in his tracks. The former collegiate standout defeated Race for “The Ten Pounds of Gold” on July 20, 1973 in Houston.

Giant Baba ended Brisco’s 500 day run in Nagoya, Japan.  Brisco recaptured the title days later, holding it an additional year-and-a-day.

The Oklahoman’s second and final stint as champ closed on December 10, 1975 at the hands of long-time rival Terry Funk.

Brisco also saw extensive success in the tag ranks, winning multiple titles with his brother Jerry Brisco.

By the time Jack Brisco became the National Wrestling Alliance World’s Heavyweight Champion in 1973, he was no stranger to etching his name in history books as both a professional and amateur competitor.

Eight years prior, as a junior at Oklahoma State University, Brisco won an NCAA National Wrestling Championship. It was an historic victory, making him the first Native American to ever do so. 

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